

线路一 由 非凡-m3u8提供点播资源HD中字上
线路二 由 金鹰-yun提供点播资源正片
线路三 由 天空-yun提供点播资源HD
线路四 由 飞速-yun提供点播资源HD
线路五 由 光速-yun提供点播资源正片
线路六 由 U酷-yun提供点播资源正片
线路七 由 U酷-yun提供点播资源正片
线路八 由 百度-m3u8提供点播资源正片
线路九 由 百度-m3u8提供点播资源正片
线路十 由 红牛-yun提供点播资源正片
线路十一 由 快车-yun提供点播资源正片
线路十二 由 快车-yun提供点播资源正片


One biblical figure is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. His name is Moses (Dougray Scott, Arabian Nights), the man who rose in power to defend a people, to free them, and to live in history like no other…A time of danger approaches for all of the Kingdom. Danger from a child. A child who will become a Prince of Egypt. With the soothsayer’s dire prophecy, the Pharoah (Paul Rhys, From Hell) orders the slaughter of all newborn males. But one child, born of Hebrew slave Amram (Louis Hilyer, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) and his wife Jochebed (Emmy nominee Lisa Jacobs, The Attic), is put in the care of others to ensure his own safety. As years pass, Moses is raised in a royal Egyptian household and, with no memory of his true family, rises to the stature of prince. Upon discovery of his heritage, and inspired by a fiery message from God, Moses implores his stepbrother Menerith (Naveen Andrews, Lost), a high-ranking official in Ramses’ army, to join him on a fight to reclaim his destiny as the leader and liberator of the Hebrew people.But when Ramses rejects his demands, Moses issues the curse of a coming plague. From a swarming cloud of locusts to a river transformed in to a rushing stream of human blood to a downpour of frogs from the heavens, the prophesized scourge has been unleashed—Moses has taken the first step toward accomplishing his mission. Charting the dramatic story of the Hebrew leader—from his narrow escape from death to his leadership of the Hebrew people to the parting of the Red Sea, The Ten Commandments unfolds with all the spectacle, the violent human drama, and grand inspiration that has earned its stature as the greatest story ever told.With a stellar cast that includes Mia Maestro (Alias) and Golden Globe winner Omar Sharif (Lawrence of Arabia), The Ten Commandments is unsurpassed in its vision—both intimate and grand.

一个圣经人物受到犹太人、基督徒和穆斯林的尊敬。他的名字是摩西(Dougray Scott,《阿拉伯之夜》),一个站起来保卫一个民族,解放他们,并像其他人一样生活在历史中的人……一个危险的时代正在接近整个王国。孩子的危险。一个将成为埃及王子的孩子。预言家可怕的预言,法罗阿(保罗里斯,来自地狱)命令屠杀所有新生的男性。但是,一个孩子,出生于希伯来奴隶阿姆兰(路易斯希尔耶,天空队长和明天的世界)和他的妻子乔希贝德(艾美奖提名人丽莎雅各布斯,阁楼),是在别人的照顾下,以确保自己的安全。随着岁月的流逝,摩西在埃及皇室的家中长大,在没有真实家庭记忆的情况下,升到了王子的地位。当发现他的遗产,并受到来自上帝的强烈信息的启发,摩西恳求他的继兄梅内里特(纳文·安德鲁斯,迷路了),拉美西斯军队的一位高级官员,与他一起战斗,以恢复他作为希伯来人领袖和解放者的命运。但拉美西斯拒绝了他的要求,摩西就发出瘟疫的诅咒。从成群的蝗虫到变成人血的江河,再到从天上降下的青蛙,这预言般的灾祸已经被释放,摩西向完成他的使命迈出了第一步。《十诫》描绘了这位希伯来领袖从死里逃生到领导希伯来人民直到红海分离的戏剧性故事,展现了所有的奇观、暴力的人类戏剧和伟大的灵感,使其成为有史以来最伟大的故事。《十诫》的演员阵容包括米娅·马斯特罗(化名)和金球奖得主奥马尔·谢里夫(阿拉伯的劳伦斯),无论是亲密的还是宏大的,都是无与伦比的。

《十诫》由Robert导演指导拍摄,集结了Dougray,Matthew等演员参演,并于2006在美国地区上映。十诫点播资源分别由 9 家资源方提供,作为一部“剧情”类型的影视作品,目前在本站获得了°C的关注热度,于2023-03-17 23:49:48更新,可作为您的观影参考。喜欢本站请多多分享,流萤剧场~追剧看电影的好地方!






